Interview with Cathy Fussell

Quilt Alliance
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00:00:09 - Tell me about the quilt you brought with you today.

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Partial Transcript: Welcome, Cathy, thank you so much.

00:07:46 - How did you get started quilting? 00:10:27 - Strokes of luck in Cathy's quilting career 00:13:05 - Making a quilt for First Lady Michelle Obama 00:17:24 - How do you describe your work? What are your inspirations? 00:22:10 - Making work for the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 00:23:54 - Working collaboratively vs. working alone 00:27:19 - Intersections between teaching and quiltmaking 00:31:18 - Other artists that Cathy admires 00:33:43 - What do you think makes a great quilt? 00:37:15 - Why is quiltmaking important to your life? 00:38:16 - How do your quilts represent your community or your region? 00:41:42 - What's next for you and your work? 00:48:19 - What are the challenges facing quiltmakers today?