Interview with Sally Schneider, November 3, 2001

Quilt Alliance
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00:00:05 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Joyce Starr Johnson.

Segment Synopsis: Johnson introduces the interview.

00:00:32 - Touchstone quilts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We have in front of us a quilt that Sally has made.

Segment Synopsis: Schneider describes her Wyoming Valley Star pattern touchstone quilt, including the design, the fabrics she used, and the size. She explains why she chose this pattern and how her choices for the quilt have personal significance for her. She describes one particular block in depth, sharing the memory behind the design of this block. She explains why she chose this quilt as her touchstone. She mentions the year she made the quilt and discusses why she made it.

Keywords: Childhood; Design process; Fabric - Multiple scrap; Fabric choice; Family; Published work - Books; Quilt patterns; Quilt purpose - Anniversary; Quiltmaking for family; Scrap quilts; Star quilts

Subjects: Star quilts

00:05:07 - Starting to quilt

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me where your interest in quilts started.

Segment Synopsis: Schneider explains why she started doing crafts and how she began quilting. She talks about the quality, fabrics, and uses of her first quilts. She briefly mentions her progression in quilting to taking classes and then teaching classes.

Keywords: Fabric choice; Quilt magazines; Quilt purpose - Bedcovering; Quiltmaking classes

00:06:50 - Professional quilting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And so your involvement with quilting at this point is as a hobby, something that you like to do, but also as a means of a living.

Segment Synopsis: Schneider discusses what she likes about having quilting as a profession. She explains how quilting is a full-time job for her, especially teaching.

Keywords: Social quiltmaking activities; Teaching quiltmaking

00:07:49 - Family and quilting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How does quilting impact your family life?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider discusses her family life. She talks about the milestones when she makes quilts for her family members. She discusses her expectations about family members caring for their quilts.

Keywords: Family life; Quilt care; Quilt purpose - Gift or presentation; Quilt purpose - Utilitarian; Quiltmaking for family

00:09:25 - Museum quilts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: On the other hand, what kind of quilts do you think belong in museums?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider lists the qualities she thinks make quilts worthy of being in museums. She talks about her reactions to historic quilts and mentions her favorite type. She discusses whether or not she takes inspiration from the noteworthy quilts she sees.

Keywords: Antique quilts; Modern quilts; Quilt purpose - Utilitarian

Subjects: Museums

00:10:43 - Machine versus hand quilting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And you mentioned - and I see in this that this is machine quilted - and you mentioned that you make a special hand quilted for your grandchildren-

Segment Synopsis: Schneider discusses how she chooses between hand quilting and machine quilting. She mentions sending out her pieces for machine quilting.

Keywords: Hand quilting; Machine quilting

00:11:35 - What makes a great or bad quilt

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, what do you think constitutes greatness in a quilt?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider lists the attributes of a great quilt. She mentions one attribute of bad quilts.

00:12:22 - How people learn quilting today

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, how do you think most people learn about quilting or come into the quilt world?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider mentions how quilting used to be learned and explains how people are introduced to it now. She talks about the prior knowledge of her beginner students.

Keywords: Fabric/Quilt shops; Learning quiltmaking; Teaching quiltmaking

00:13:30 - Personal reflections

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do your quilts in particular reflect anything special about you?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider discusses her "Perkiomen Valley Nine Patch" pattern and why it is significant to her. She talks about major changes in her own quilting over time and explains how they have made the quilting process easier for her. She discusses what she most enjoys about quilting. She talks about not finishing many projects and why she doesn't feel guilty about it.

Keywords: Color balance; Design process; Published work - Patterns; Quiltmaking process; Scrap quilts; Unfinished objects (UFO)

00:17:26 - Quilting in difficult times

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When we started, we talked about this quilt and you talked about the happy times that it reflected.

Segment Synopsis: Schneider talks about the changes to her quilting style while she went through a divorce. She describes how she feels about those quilts now and how it was difficult for her to hand quilt during that time. She mentions the quilting she has done since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

00:19:10 - Historic importance of quilts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, when we think of quilts in American history and you're familiar with your own history,

Segment Synopsis: Schneider briefly discusses how American women have used quilts and quiltmaking historically.

Keywords: Quilt history; Quilt purpose - Artistic expression; Quilt purpose - Utilitarian; Social quiltmaking activities

00:19:58 - Quilting group

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Are you in any quilting bees?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider talks about the quilting group she was part of in Seattle, Wa., and how she still maintains ties with the other members. She describes the week-long sewing trips they take to the beach. She discusses how she got to know them and what their friendships would be like outside of quilting.

Keywords: Friendships through quilting; Guild activities; Quilt guilds; Quilt retreats; Quilting Bee; Social quiltmaking activities

00:22:48 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Is there anything that I haven't asked you about that you want to share?

Segment Synopsis: Johnson and Schneider wrap up the interview.