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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My name is Alice Helms, today is September 25, 2011.

Segment Synopsis: Interviewer introduces herself, the interviewee, and the QSOS project.

00:00:24 - Tell me about the quilt you brought in today.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me about the quilt you brought today.

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay discusses her touchstone quilt. She says that the quilt is hand quilted with a floral/wreath design from a book by Trudy Hughes, and it is a vineyard stars quilt that is machine pieced. It is a quilt she made for exhibition. She says that the quilt was completed while she was traveling in the Northwest of the United States. She goes on to discuss the meaning of the quilt for her, and she says that it provides a memory for her about the trip that she took while creating it.

Keywords: Hand quilting; Machine piecing; Quilt Purpose - Exhibition; Quilting--Patterns; Rotary cutter; binding

Subjects: Quilts--Design; Quilts--United States--Exhibitions; Travel

00:04:29 - What do you think someone viewing your quilt might conclude about you?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think someone viewing your quilt might conclude about you?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that she imagines someone would notice her attention to stitching and color from looking at her quilt. She goes on to say that her use of color in quilting is uncharacteristic for her in other parts of her life.

Keywords: Color theory; Hand quilting

00:05:24 - How do you use this quilt?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How do you use the quilt now?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that she keeps the touchstone quilt in a display case, because she experienced nightmares when using it as a bedcovering.

Keywords: Quilt Purpose - Bedcovering; Quilt Purpose - Home decoration

Subjects: Superstition

00:06:30 - Tell me about your interest in quiltmaking.;At what age did you start quiltmaking?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me about your interest in quiltmaking.

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay discusses how she got started in quiltmaking. She says that she was introduced to it by a friend, and from there joined a local quilting bee. She says she has enjoyed the networking and relationships that are created in the quilting community, especially in retirement.

Keywords: Learning quiltmaking; quilting bee

Subjects: Retirement

00:08:15 - Florida Quilting Community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So back in the 80's in Florida, there were a lot of active quilters?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay discusses the community in which she first learned to quilt. She says that quilting is very popular in Florida, despite misconceptions of disinterest in warm weather areas. She says that she first learned to quilt in a quilting shop class, and that the first large quilt that she made was for her husband.

Keywords: Color theory; Learning quiltmaking; quilt shop

00:09:43 - How many hours a week do you quilt?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How man hours a week do you quilt?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay expresses her desire to spend more time making quilts. She says that she is too busy, but hopes to be able to spend more time in the future.

Keywords: Quilt shows/exhibitions; Time management

Subjects: Grandchildren

00:10:25 - What is your first quilt memory?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What is your first quilt memory?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that her first quilt memory was later in her life, when her friend said she was going to start quilting, although she has recently discovered that a great-grandmother of hers was a quilter.

Keywords: Generational quiltmaking

Subjects: Grandparents

00:11:28 - How does quiltmaking impact your family?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How does quiltmaking impact your family?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that her quiltmaking practice has had an impact on her family. The physical presence of quilts in her home has given a familiarity of quilting to her granchildren. She says that she has shown all of her grandchildren to sew, and that most of them have made quilts.

Keywords: Generational quiltmaking; Work or Studio space

Subjects: Grandchildren

00:13:10 - Describe your studio/the place that you create.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Why don't you describe the room that you quilt in?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay describes her work space. She says that it is a loft space with a portable design wall, and various storage spaces for materials.

Keywords: Design Wall; Work or Studio space

Subjects: Artists' studios

00:14:03 - Tell me if you have ever used quilts to get through a difficult time?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Have you ever used quilts to get through a difficult time?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says she used quilting to cope with her mother's cancer diagnosis. She responded to this diagnosis by making her mother a quilt. Quilting also helped her through the death of a friend. She says she also taught quilting to others to help them cope with difficulties.

Keywords: Quilt Purpose - Comfort; Quilt Purpose - Mourning; Teaching quiltmaking

00:16:02 - What do you find pleasing about quiltmaking?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you like most about quilting?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says her favorite part of quiltmaking is hand work. She says she much prefers hand quilting to machine quilting, and she enjoys making quilt tops, which she often pays a machine quilter to then quilt.

Keywords: Hand quilting; Long arm quilting

Subjects: Art commissions

00:16:47 - What art or quilt groups do you belong to?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What quilting groups do you belong to?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that she is part of the Boatcatcher Quilting Bee, as well as the Asheville guild. She says that her bee meets once a week, and it is largely unstructured.

Keywords: Art quilts; Generational quiltmaking; Quilt guild; Quilt shows/exhibitions; quilting bee

00:20:11 - Quilters in Asheville, North Carolina

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think that this area has more active quilters than some other parts of the country or parts of the state of North Carolina?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that she believes North Carolina to have an exceptional quilting community. She attributes this exceptionality to the allure of the mountains for quilters and retired people.

Keywords: Quilt guild; quilting bee

Subjects: Appalachian Region; Retirement

00:21:32 - Guilds and Bees

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think it's important to have organizations like the quilt guild as well as smaller groups?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay explains the importance of smaller bees as well as larger quilt guilds. She says that guilds are often cause for intimidation among people new to an area or to quilting, and that bees can remedy some of that fear.

Keywords: Knowledge transfer; Quilt guild; quilting bee

Subjects: Mentoring in the arts

00:22:33 - What are your favorite techniques and materials?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you have a favorite technique or material?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay talks about her favorite techniques and materials. She says she prefers contemporary fabrics, and geometric patterns.

Subjects: Quilts--Design

00:23:22 - What do you think makes a great quilt?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think makes a great quilt?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay talks about great quilts, which she thinks is related to the love that goes into a quilt, as well as the pride that a quiltmaker holds in their quilt.

Keywords: Generational quiltmaking

00:24:59 - What makes a great quiltmaker?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think makes a great quiltmaker?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that being a great quiltmaker depends on the individual. She says that she enjoys sharing quiltmaking, which she says she does by working at a retreat center to teach cancer patients quilting. She explains the importance of creating memories about people. She goes on to say that quilts allow for expression of feelings in a lasting manner.

Keywords: Teaching quiltmaking; quilting retreat

Subjects: Cancer; Organ donors

00:28:32 - Whose works are you drawn to and why?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Are there any quilters whose works you are particularly fond of?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay lists some of her favorite quiltmakers, including Linda Cantrell and Barbara Sweeney. She goes on to explain that she appreciates all quiltmakers, even those who don't finish their quilts, and she says she often donates unfinished tops hoping someone will take up where she left off.

Keywords: Donating quilts; unfinished objects (UFO)

Subjects: Appalachian Region

00:30:25 - Why is quiltmaking important to your life?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Why is quiltmaking important to your life?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that the importance of quiltmaking for her lies in the connections she's made. She says that quilting helped her settle when she moved to Asheville, North Carolina.

Keywords: shopping for fabric

00:31:04 - What has happened to the quilts that you have made or those of friends and family?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What has happened to the quilts that you've made for your friends and family?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay talks about the fates of the quilts she has given away. She says that most have been kept and some have been "loved to death" as she puts it. She says that this is the purpose of quilts, and that she expects them to be used and loved.

Keywords: Children's quilts; Quilts as gifts

Subjects: Crib quilts

00:33:10 - What do you think is the biggest challenge confronting quiltmakers today?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think is the biggest challenge confronting quiltmakers today?

Segment Synopsis: Mary Kay says that one challenge she sees in the quilting world is finding unique patterns. She also says, however, that she does not think there are challenges that cannot be overcome, because there is so much talent in the modern quilting world.

Keywords: Modern quiltmaking