00:00:00Alice Helms (AH): Ok, my name is Alice Helms. Today is September 25, 2011 and
Im conducting an interview with Mary Kay Batt for the Asheville Quilt Guild
Quilters S.O.S Save our Stories project. Were at my home in Asheville,
North Carolina and it is 1:35 p.m. Micki, tell me about the quilt youve
brought today.
Mary Kay Batt (MB): This is a quilt that I made to put in the Asheville quilt
show in 1996. It is hand quilted. The design comes from Trudie Hughes book On
PointI cant remember the exact name of the book. I did more than one of
her designs and I really, really enjoyed working with them. I finished this
quiltits hand quilteddan I finished it on our way up to Alaska. We
were camping. And right before we went over the Canadian border, into Alberta,
00:01:00to get on the Al-Can highway, I shipped it back home from Montana to get it into
the show.
AH: So you were sewing in the car?
MB: Quilting. Yeah. And getting the binding on.
AH: Do you do that in a big hoop?
MB: Yep, yeah.
AH: So there you were in the car with a big hoop.
MB: And I wasnt driving. [both laugh]
AH: Obviously, thats awkward. So, what special meaning does the quilt have
for you?
MB: I dont really know if it has any special meaning except for the memory
that it does bring, that we were on our way to Alaska and we did that trip. And
that was just a wonderful, wonderful experience. Going up and camping all the
way up through the Yukon and camping all the way into Alaska. And going back
down the Prince Edwardoh, I cant remember the name of that highway. All I
remember is that it was muddy.
AH: Good thing you didnt have the quilt with you then. So why dont you
00:02:00just describe it, the color, the patterns, the shapes?
MB: Well, its called Vineyard Stars. Because the fabric is the leaves
and the grapes of a vineyard. I love the purple and the turquoise
togetherthat just turned my heart on. I thought it was such a beautiful,
beautiful combination. So thats why its called Vineyard Stars.
AH: And is it machine pieced?
MB: Yes. Yes, it is machine pieced and hand quilted.
AH: Did you use templates for the shapes or?
MB: No. With Trudy Hughes, you dont use templates. Thats why I was
attracted to her. Its all rotary cut. She has you cut strips and then the
diagonals. Thats her whole technique. It goes very rapidly. I really enjoyed it.
AH: So, how long did it take you to make it? Well the piecing probably took not
too long.
MB: About two or three weeks.
AH: But the quilting?
MB: The quilting. Thats such a hard question to answer because you put it
down and walk away from it and come back to it.
AH: Youre not punching a time clock.
MB: Exactly. Maybe a year. Like I say, thats a real, real difficult question
to ask. Ive got some quilts that are ten years in the making because I just
put em down and walked away from em.
AH: And how would you describe the quilting pattern? Is there a name for this?
MB: Well, theres little flowers, theres the wreath pattern, and then I did
diagonal lines to accentuate the stars. I liked it, I liked the open area
00:04:00because I do enjoy hand quilting and that could really show off the quilting.
AH: It really does show it off. You have beautiful tiny stitches.
MB: Thank you.
AH: What do you think someone viewing your quilt might conclude about you?
MB: I dont know. Thats an interesting question. That I do tiny stitches
[laughs]. This was kind of agetting into quilting, this was kind of a first
step into using color. Because Im a little bit afraid of color. My
husbands always saying your quilts are beautiful but you dont do the
00:05:00same in your clothing. Youre always wearing black and browns. I really
stepped out of the box with this one, for me, and I went even furtheras I
showed youwith a couple of the other quilts Ive made.
AH: So this was made in 1996. So that was a while back actually. How do you use
the quilt now?
MB: Its stored. You know, they say you should sleep under every quilt one
time and youll know if its a good quilt or a bad quilt by the dreams you
have. And I had nightmares under this quilt. Ive only slept under it one
night and have not slept under it since and have not allowed anybody else to
sleep under it. So I have an old antique glass showcase at home and its
stored in that. I pull it out and refold it every now and then.
AH: So what are your plans for it in the future?
MB: I guess somebody will get it. Like I say, its a little creepy to me.
Im not sure I want to give it to anybody to sleep under. Its very
superstitious I know.
AH: Maybe thats just your experience. Maybe someone else
MB: Well that could be. Wanna try?[both laugh]
AH: Ok, tell me about your interest in quiltmaking? What age were you when you started?
MB: I was an adult. It was in 1983. I was in my forties maybe, thirties. My
girlfriendI was working full time down in Floridamy girlfriend called me
and told me she had found a place where we could learn quilting. And I thought
youre out of your mind, because I had another friend that had taken up
quilting and I walked out of her house thinking youve got to be kidding
00:07:00me. I cannot work on a quilt for years and years. But I went, she never
did another thing and I was hooked. I was absolutely hooked. I joined a little
bee down there. I love it because of the networking with other women. I think
thats, that has been the best part of quilting. The people Ive met, the
women Ive met. When you retire, and youve been in a high stress job with
very intelligent people, you get a little nervous about that. You wonder if
youre ever going to have that give and take again. And that has absolutely
happened with quilting and with the women I associate with now in Asheville. I
work with very, very demanding women that have wonderful sense of humor, that
00:08:00are strict with how they want things done, and have intelligence. I really,
really enjoy that part of it. The friends Ive made.
AH: So back in the 80s in Florida, there were a lot of active quilters?
MB: Oh yes, Floridas big. I was really very surprised.
AH: I guess I would think, you know its Florida, its hot. They dont
need blankets. [laughs]
MB: I know. Well you fold em up and put em away. No, people do use the
quilts. Florida can get quite chilly in the winter.
AH: So you learned how to quilt, it was just a beginning quilt class at a shop.
MB: Yep. The first quilt I did, I did the same thing everybody else does. I
went out and bought 5,000 yards of fabric and just went absolutely crazy.
Nothing matched anything else, I didnt really know what I was doing. I took a
color class which was the best thing for me. And things started kind of
00:09:00settling into place. The first quilt I made was a queen size. Actually, I
shouldnt say that. I made several small quilts. The first big one I made, I
made for my husband. And on the back it says thanks for supporting my fabric
habit. [both laugh]
AH: Does he still have it?
MB: Yeah. Oh yeah.
AH: So its about 30 years old? Or 25?
MB: Goodness. It didnt get finished for about ten years.
AH: Do you still like it?
MB: Yeah.
AH: So you liked it then and you still like it. Thats good. So, how many
hours a week do you quilt?
MB: Not enough. It seems like something is always coming up. I planmy plan
for this month is once I get through our quilt showour quilt show is coming
00:10:00up, once I get through that and get through my husbands birthday, then Im
going to be sitting down and doing some quilting. My grandkids on the other hand[laughs]
AH: So its just whenever you can.
MB: Right. And I do knit too so that takes up a lot of time.
AH: Micki, what is your first quilt memory?
MB: My first quilt memory. Probably when I walked in on my girlfriend and she
told me she was going to make a quilt. I was raised in Florida so quilting was
not in my background. Actually, a few years ago I found out that my
great-grandmother was a quilter. I did not know that. And there is a quilt out
there that she made, but I didnt get it. Im a little disappointed in that.
00:11:00But hopefully it has a good home.
AH: Oh, ok. Soyou didnt have quilts when you were a child?
MB: No, no. Like you said, we lived in Florida. And there was no air
conditioning back then.
AH: But your great grandmother was a quilter? Did she live in Florida?
MB: She lived in New York. My moms from there.
AH: Oh, ok. Too bad you couldnt have known her.
MB: Yeah.
AH: How does quiltmaking impact your family?
MB: [laughs] Financially. I think how does it impact my family? Well, the
fact that I have a whole room to myself probably impacts the family. And anybody
that comes to visit, all the grandkids have to sleep up in the quilting room so
things just kind of get shoved aside so they have room on the floor. The other
00:12:00way that it impacts the family is that all butI have seven grandkids, and all
but two have made their own quilt. Including the boys. So I think thats the
biggest impact, that the kids know what quilts are and they appreciate the
quilts. In fact, I just had a grandson come visit this morning. I dragged him up
here one year(about 15 years ago) when he was about 16 14 years old. I told
him I would fly him up, but he had to work the quilt show. When I mentioned to
him that the quilt show was coming up next week and he said I am ignoring
you. I am never talking to you about quilt shows. Because I worked his little
fanny off. So I dont think hes gonna come over for the show.
AH: Hes not hooked.
MB: Hes not hooked. Hes one of the ones who has never made his own quilt.
But they all have a quilt that Ive made.
AH: So you were quilting before they were born. So your grandchildren have all
00:13:00grown up with you quilting.
MB: Right, they all know how to work the sewing machine, theyve all played
with fabric.
AH: While were on the subject, why dont you describe the room that you
quilt in?
MB: Its an upstairs loft. It had a design wall. I had to take it down but I
can put it back up. Its kind of portable. I have my cutting board set up,
fabric is organized by color in the closet when its not spread out on the
floor. I have a bookcase that holds several quilts and my quilting books. I
play music up there, sometimes watch TV, and play with fabric.
AH: So its everything youd want it to be, it sounds like.
MB: Yeah. Yeah.
AH: And you have a design wall?
MB: I do, I do. It kind of comes up and goes down. When I have company, I kind
of jerk it down because its not the most attractive thing. [laughs]
AH: Micki, have you ever used quilts to get through a difficult time?
MB: Umm. I dont even know how to answer that. [pause for 2 seconds] Ive
had, Ive used my quilting, the ability to facilitate quilting to help others.
But not necessarily myself yet. Well, actually I take that back. Yes. When my
mother was diagnosed with cancer, the first thing I had to do, I had to make her
a quilt. And I knew I didnt have much time. So I put together a top and I
tied a quilt for her. I didnt have time to quilt it. And I took it down with
00:15:00me to Florida. And I lived with her for her last 3 months. And she slept under
that quilt in her last days. Another thing, I lost a friend recently to ALS. I
went over to the house right after she passed and her friends had gotten her
prepared to be taken. And when she was taken from the house, she was under her
favorite quilt. That made us all feel really good. It was just such a comforting
thing. That they did that instead of what they would normally do.
AH: And was it a quilt that she had made?
MB: Yes.
AH: Ive never heard that before. Thats a wonderful idea. What do you like
00:16:00most about quilting?
MB: I like the handwork. And I do like making the tops. Ive never caught on
to machine quilting, Im not good at it. I know that, so, since I do like
making the tops and I dont seem to have enough time in my life to do hand
quilting as much as Id like to, I make the tops and I get them machine
quilted now.
AH: Uh huh. You pay someone to do a longarm.
MB: Right.
AH: So, I think you just told me what you do not enjoy. Machine quilting, right?
So, what groups do you belong to?
MB: I belong to Beaucatcher Quilting Bee, which is the oldest bee in Asheville.
I think theyve been around, gosh theyve been around since the mid 70s I
00:17:00believe. And actually a lot of the charter members of the Asheville Quilt Guild
were members of Beaucatcher. The guild from that bee. And then I also belong
to the Guild. And no others.
AH: So what do you do at the Beaucatchers Bee? How often do they meet?
MB: They meet once a week. You just sit around with a bunch of women and talk.
Theres no structure, theres no special special projects. People work on
their own projects, get a little help if youre getting ready to baste a
quilt, you always have a crew there to help with the basting. So thats good.
And eat. Lots of good food.
AH: Do people bring machines?
AH: So its all handwork.
MB: All handwork.
AH:But you have tables that you can use for sandwiching quilts.
MB: Right.
AH: So you meet weekly? Thats nice.
MB: Yep. I dont always get there, but they do meet weekly. [laughs] I always
try to go to the first of the month though. Thats when the foods there.
AH: Oh, is it a potluck?
MB: Yes. And Southern women know how to cook.
AH: So tell me about the Asheville Quilt Guild? How long have you been a member?
MB: Ive been a member since 1994. We moved herewe moved to Asheville in
1993 and I joined in 1994. It was a smaller guild when I first joined, it had
125 members off and on. And then in one year it exploded, it doubled. When the
baby boomers retired. The guild is active in a lot of community efforts. I think
00:19:00they made something likeand you can correct me if Im wrongover 300
quilts were given to the community this year. The guild also hosts the Asheville
Quilt Show. Which has just gotten bigger and bigger. When I first joined we held
it in the gymnasium at the Carolina Day School. I was chair the last year we did
that and we could barely move in there. Then we were invited out to the North
Carolina Arboretum and now weve outgrown that. So we have moved to the Ag
Center this year and see how that works. But its a very, very active guild.
Very diverse. I think that we are beginning to cover the spectrum of not only
traditional but art quilts. And also age groups. Ive noticed that were
getting a lot of younger members. I think thats a good thing, a very, very
00:20:00good thing. Because Id hate to see quilting die out again like it did in the
50s and 60s.
AH: Do you think that this area has maybe more active quilters than some other
parts of the country? Or even parts of the state of North Carolina?
MB: I think it does because good quilters like to live in the mountains too.
Its like the medical community. We have a great medical community because
good doctors like to live in the mountains. Obviously quilting has been in the
Appalachian mountains for a very long time.. But I think the reason its grown
so much in the last 10 to 15 years is because of all the womenand
mencoming to the mountains to retire and then working on their art.
AH:Did you belong to a guild when you lived in Florida?
MB: No, I did not. I belonged to a bee. We were called the Black Sheep. [both
laugh] We all worked. We met at night once a week. We wanted to get away from
structure, we didnt want any organization. There were about 15 of us. We met
at the school once a week. Didnt have a president, any of that stuff. We
didnt want it because thats what we were trying to escape from, during the day.
AH: Do you think its important to have organizations like the Guild, like
the Asheville Quilt Guild,as well as smaller groups?
MB: Yes. I know a big group like ours can be very intimidating. I know it was
for me when I first walked in. And I think the bees, especially if youre new
to the area or new to quilting, I think getting into a smaller group where there
are mentors who will help you and encourage you, is what gets lost in a big
00:22:00guild. Although, you do have the wonderful teachers that come in and speak.
Those women and men are wonderful, but they can be very intimidating. So I think
the bees are xtremely important.
AH: And there are a lot of bees in this area too, Ive noticed.[pause] Maybe
weve already answered this, but do you have a favorite technique that you
work with?
MB: Well, I like contemporary fabrics, geometric patterns, applique is not my
thing. Im so glad some people like to do it so I can look at it. Im not
00:23:00the least bit interested in trying it. And I would kind of like to explore that
and go more contemporary than I have. But that opportunity hasnt come up
yet. But it will.
AH: What do you think makes a great quilt?
MB: I know what the judges think makes a great quilt. I think what makes a great
quilt is the love that goes into it. My granddaughter was here this summer, and
we did a local shop hop. She went on the shop hop with us and almost broke the
bank buying fabric. A few days later my husband and I were invited out to
00:24:00dinner. Shes 14 years old and I said do you mind being left here by
yourself?. She said no thats fine. I had cut up her fabric for her,
and when we got home that night she was done. She had a lap quilt done.
Finished. And she is just so excited about it. And so pleased with herself. And
I think that maybe thats what makes a great quilt, the pride that it brings
to the quiltmaker. Like I said, I know what the judges think makes a great quilt.
AH:[interrupts] And they dont measure that quality do they?
MB:[interrupts] Right. No.
AH: Thats the unknowable to a judge. Judging an anonymous persons quilt.
MB: Exactly. But I likeif theyre wonky, thats fine. Its the pride.
That the quiltmaker has in herself..
AH: What do you think makes a great quiltmaker?
MB: Somebody that likes chocolate and red wine. [both laugh]
MB: I guess thats up to the individual person. I enjoy sharing the work I do.
Ive facilitated classes out at Camp BluebirdI dont know if weve
talked about that alreadywhich is a retreat for cancer patients. Ive done
that for years. They have one quilt that survived the fire. It was in the fire
that we had here recently in a building near the hospital. . I have it at the
house airing it out. The camperspeople came in, they were not quiltmakers and
didnt know what they were doing but we used Wonder Under and they made the
most fabulous quilt. Each block is very, very individual and, now, we are doing
a second quilt right now. We are going to be tying it. Campers did the first
00:26:00quilt in 1998, and then we did other things, but for the past two years they
have been working on blocks. Those blocks have been assembled and theyre
going to be tying those quilts. Its the memories of the people and what
theyre going through that they show. Another thing that Ive gotten
involved in is organ donation.. The families of organ donors make quilt blocks
in honor of the donor. Every year LifeShare has a dinner that brings these
families together. I have taken it on to put those blocks into small wall
hangings that are shown around Asheville.
AH: This is a local group?
MB: Mmm hmm. Its LifeShare at Mission Hospital.
AH: Oh, ok.
MB: And the blocks will tug at your heart. They really will. And they go
fromI think the youngest organ donor is 10 and the oldest is in his 60s. So
you can be an organ donor for a long, long time.
AH: So, what do you thinkwhy do you think quilting appeals to people who have
suffered a tragedy? A disease or a medical tragedy?
MB: I dont know ifI think its a way of expressing yourself and the
feelings that youre feeling. And the fact that quilts last. They go into
history. People take care of quilts and theyll be here long after were
00:28:00gone. I love going into antique stores and finding a really nice quilt and you
wonder about the quiltmaker. Ive brought a few of those home, just because I
cant stand to see them sitting in the store.
AH: [laughs] I know. Its not right. So undignified. [both laugh]
MB: I think they need a home.
AH: I agree. Are there any quilters whose works youre particularly fond of or
drawn to?
MB: Well, lets face it. We have some of the best quiltmakers in the United
States right here in Asheville. We are so lucky. I love the humor of Linda
Cantrells, and the precision work of Barbara Swinea is amazing. Ive been
00:29:00lucky enough to call her a friend and been out in her studio and seen her work
and learned so much from her. And shes been a great, great mentor and shes
encouraged me quite a bit. As far as, far-flung, I think any quilter that gets
to finish her quilt and be proud of it is amazing. And if you dont finish it,
thats ok too. Ive sent an awful lot of UFOs to Goodwill hoping that
somebody else will pick em up and continue on.
AH: Well thats interesting.
MB: I dont hang on to the quilt in progress if it isnt working. Because if
I do, I get bogged down in it. And if Im tired of the fabric or it doesnt
talk to me anymore, I dont let them sit there. I just let them go. I go
00:30:00through my fabric stash about once a year and get rid of stuff that I know
Ill never, never use.
AH: So maybe once someone sees that unfinished quilt top in Goodwill they think
the same thing you do you see an antique quilt. [laughs]
MB: Could be.
AH: Hopefully they take it home and they finish it so that its a cycle.
[pause] Why is quiltmaking important to your life?
MB: Again, because of the connections. The networking. I dont know, if we had
moved to Ashevillemy husband actually came home, he was born hereif we had
moved to Asheville and I hadnt had quilting Im not really quite sure how I
would have made the connections Ive made, the friends Ive made. And I
think you probably feel the same way.
AH: Yes.I do.
MB:Its real important. Especially fabric shopping together. [laughs]
AH: What has happened to the quilts youve made your friends and family? Do
you know?
MB: Well, most of em.-- I actually saw my 23 year old granddaughters baby
quilt when I went to visit her in Texas the last week and its very, very
fragile and thin but its still there. I made a quilt for a real, real good
friend who was having her first grandchild and they were so excited. And they
camp with us.theyre campers. I made my friend a quilt so she could keep it in
the camper and her granddaughterit turned out to be her granddaughtercould
always have a quilt in the camper. Well, apparently she her grand daughter took
it home when she was a toddler. And as I understand it, it has about 6 inches
00:32:00square left of it. She has loved that thing to death. But luckily her aunt took
up quilting so now she has some new quilts.
AH: Uh huh Do you worry about the quilts youve given to people?
MB: [interrupts] No. The only thing I ask is that dont take them to the
beach. Other than that, its not mine anymore. Once you give it away you give
it away.
AH: And you think it should be used.
MB: Oh, absolutely. The antique quilts I buy I use on the beds. Yeah, they
absolutely should be used, and loved, and hugged, and cuddled. I make all the
kids, when they graduate from high school, the get a quilt. And I put on there,
on the label, any time youre feeling lonesome just crawl under these. And
baby quilts. Ive made baby quilts for my nieces and nephews and I put on the
labelbecause people will take those quilts you make for the baby and put them
away. I say that this is for them to sit upon, play upon, do anything they want
00:33:00to upon it. Its their quilt.
AH: Good. What do you think is the biggest challenge confronting quiltmakers today?
MB: Wow. Trying to find unique designs. And, I dont know if there are any
challenges that are insurmountable. Where these women and men have taken
quilting has just astounded me. When we got into it, it was just this kind of
stuff. And now there are embellishments, and designs, and techniques. I think
the only challenge is your imagination. Youre only limited by that.
AH: Right. Ok, well I think weve come to the end of our questions here. Is
00:34:00there anything else on your mind about quilting that youd like to add to this?
MB: No, I think you covered it.
AH: Ok.
MB: Thank you, for the opportunity. I appreciate it.
AH: Thank you, Micki. This concludes ourinterview and it is now 2:07 p.m.